
Six Ways Companies Can Promote and Protect Human Rights

November 6, 2020
Photo by Jan Huber on Unsplash
Photo by Jan Huber on Unsplash

Prof. Dr. Markus Scholz pulished an article in MIT Solan Management Review with N. Craig Smith (INSEAD) demonstrating options companies can respond to a government’s human rights abuses.

The extent to which corporations should react to human rights abuses by governments in their host and home countries has become one of the most dynamic and interdisciplinary discussions in the field of corporate responsibility. Corporations are increasingly expected to become more proactive in protecting human rights as private and public responsibilities blur and companies become more conscious of the expectations of a more socially aware investor base and workforce. The authors believe that speaking out against human rights violations is the right thing to do on its own merits.

But once a company decides to take a stand, what can it do? Are the only options to carry on with business as usual or cut ties with a country completely?

The article demonstrates six direct and indirect strategies with examples for companies how to react to human rights abuses by governments in their host and home countries.

Read the article here.