
Article about Design Challenges of Digital Transformation

March 19, 2020

Ann-Christine Schulz (FHWien der WKW), together with Martin Gersch, Stefan Güldenberg, Wolfgang H. Güttel, Gordon Müller-Seitz and Birgit Renzl, has written an article about “Design Challenges of Digital Transformation: Recognizing, Designing or Leaving Paths?.

In this article, the researchers describe how the digital transformation is embedded in corporate strategies: Digital transformation describes the current change in companies, processes, products and business models with the help of new – digital – technologies. Technology is not the problem here. Rather, its embedding in the corporate strategy, in the existing corporate culture as well as the modification of existing business processes is the core challenge for companies to adapt their development path to new circumstances.

The article is published in the magazine WiSt Special “Digital Transformation” (Issue 2-3 2020).