City of Vienna Competence Team

Change for Corporate Sustainability

The City of Vienna Competence Team “Change for Corporate Sustainability” (TransformS) explores how Austrian companies can develop the necessary strategic change competencies for the transformation towards sustainability (Dynamic Capabilities for Sustainability). Dynamic Capabilities for Sustainability are strategic change competencies that enable a company to generate and implement economically, ecologically, and socially sustainable product, process or business model innovations. 

The research project started in March 2021 and is based at the Institute for Business Ethics and Sustainable Strategy (IBES) at FHWien of WKW. The competence team is supported by the City of Vienna within the framework of the Vienna University of Applied Sciences funding.  

The competence team is led by FH-Prof Dr Daniela Ortiz Avram, Academic Head of the Institute for Business Ethics and Sustainable Strategy (IBES) at FHWien of WKW.  

Project period: 01.03.2021 until 29.02.2024
Project duration: 36 months 

The City of Vienna competence team TransformS aims to promote the strategic orientation of Austrian companies regarding ecological and social sustainability by providing the latest scientific knowledge in the field of Dynamic Capabilities for Sustainability during the three-year project period. 


  • Development of a framework model on Dynamic Capabilities for Sustainability
    The central technical and content-related goal of the TransformS Competence Team is developing a conceptual framework model on strategic change competencies for corporate sustainability. In the first step, the model will be created based on theory. In a second step, the empirical, evidence-based further development of the conceptual model will follow by utilizing a qualitative study with corporate partners.
  • Transfer into operational practice
    Based on the developed framework model, instruments for diagnosing Dynamic Capabilities for Sustainability will be applied in Austrian companies for the first time. In addition, measures for developing and promoting strategic change competencies for corporate sustainability will be piloted in participating companies.  Further information here.
  • Transfer to Teaching at FHWien der WKW
    The results of the TransformS project are transferred to Teaching at FHWien der WKW in various ways. As an example, the “Certificate for Sustainability Change Agents” was developed and piloted in the fall of 2022. 


The research results will be presented in lectures and workshops for practitioners and published in practice-oriented journals.