
Bringing the sustainable development goals to life

November 21, 2019
v.l.n.r.: Katrin Muff, Dr. Daniela Ortiz (FHWien der WKW)
v.l.n.r.: Katrin Muff, Dr. Daniela Ortiz (FHWien der WKW)
Workshop zu SDGs mit Katrin Muff
Workshop zu SDGs mit Katrin Muff

This theme is supporting FHWien der WKW’s efforts to implement the United Nations SDGs into the curricula. “As a university of applied sciences for management and communication, we recognize the importance of the SDGs in the training of future managers,” says Beater Huber, Head of Department and Chair of the Academic Board at FHWien der WKW.

Under Katrin Muff’s guidance, the foundation for the sustainable development of curricula and for an SDG network within FHWien was built on November 19-20, 2019 with an interactive Workshop with faculty members.