Mit der Vorlesungsreihe „Responsible Management Lectures“ möchten wir einen interdisziplinären Diskurs über die Zukunft unseres Wirtschaftssystems anstoßen mit einem besonderen Fokus auf wirtschafts- und unternehmensethische Aspekte. Seit dem Wintersemester 2012 organisieren wir regelmäßig eine Vorlesungsreihe zu allgemeinen wirtschaftsethischen und nachhaltigkeitsbezogenen Themen. Für das Wintersemester 2022/2023 wählten wir Supply Chains and Human Rights als übergreifendes Thema für die Vorlesungsreihe.
Es freut uns sehr, dass Dr. Cordula Meckenstock, Chief Responsibility Officer at Grünenthal Group, Senior Vice President Compliance & Ethics / ESG & Corporate Responsibility / Data Privacy / Internal Audit, einen Vortrag in englischer Sprache hält.
Human Rights Management in the Context of the ESG debate
In this lecture, I would like to provide you with insights on human rights management from the perspective of corporations. I will embed the foregoing into the broader context of the ESG debate.
Corporations are more and more expected to align their strategy and decision making not only with financially driven ambitions and targets, but also along the lines of ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) considerations.
I will start the lecture by explaining the concept of ESG in its different dimensions, followed by a practical example of implementing an ESG Program in a pharma corporation. On this basis, I will zoom into the topic of human rights and where they get relevant in our value vain, i.e. from sourcing to production over marketing to sales.
We will explore the different stages of a value chain and at which stages of a value chain which human rights get relevant. We will look at how the various affected human rights aspects at the different stages can be managed and that an integrated approach to human rights management seems most efficient.
Aim of this lecture is to explain how human rights management is embedded in a corporation’s ESG/Sustainability Program, that it is a business critical topic and needs to be managed in an integrated highly strategic way.
Um Anmeldung wir gebeten.
Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Teilnahme!