Es freut uns sehr, dass Herr Prof. Dr. Jonatan Pinkse, Professor of Strategy, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship & Executive Director of the Manchester Institute of Innovation Research (MIoIR), University of Manchester, einen Vortrag, in englischer Sprache, hält.
How Can We Drive Businesses to Deliver on Net Zero?
Business activity is a major source of global carbon emissions. But how can we push businesses to deliver on the net-zero agenda when their bottom line is at stake? In this presentation, Professor Jonatan Pinkse, outlines a simple framework of the options companies have to transition to net zero and the policy changes needed to support the business community in this transition. The framework suggests that companies can choose between innovating, offloading, and offsetting. However, it depends on the purpose behind pursuing these options whether we can expect a business transition to net zero to materialise. Too often, net-zero strategies have the aim to buffer a company’s core business model from too much disruption from government and society. A change in thinking is needed where the strategic options are directed, instead, towards radically transforming the core business model. This requires from businesses to move away from a win-win mindset where the business case for sustainability is central towards acknowledging that the management of tensions between multiple desirable goals such as net-zero, productivity, employment, and social equity is inevitable.
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